We make our habits,
and our habits make us.



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Why “Magic Library”? Because it’s your gateway to:

  • Unleashing your inner observer, fostering self-discovery, and self-growth.
  • Nurturing self-awareness and self-generating capabilities effortlessly.
  • Embracing yourself with kindness and mindfulness, stepping into the role of the Observer.
  • Expanding your range and capacity to take different action with ease.

Discover a time-saving treasure trove, brimming with resources ready for you to use or customize for your clients, meticulously crafted based on human learning and development principles.

The library is thoughtfully organized for seamless navigation and exploration. 

While most practices cater to your clients’ needs, there are a few gems designed exclusively to elevate your coaching mastery.

Designing Your Life

Explore our select practices and transform your clients’ lives.

Influential Leadership

Explore our select practices and transform your clients’ lives.

Languaging the Future

Explore our select practices and transform your clients’ lives.

Emotional Mastery

Explore our select practices and transform your clients’ lives.

Tapping into Body Wisdom

Explore our select practices and transform your clients’ lives.

Coaching Mastery

Explore our select practices and transform your clients’ lives.


I think they (the exercises / practices) are fantastic. Really thorough and well contextualised. I think they will be a fantastic resource.

Liz De Wet Leadership Development

This is your opportunity to learn from someone who is wise, compassionate and has a deep understanding of coaching methodologies.”

Wendy Palmer, founder of Leadership Embodiment

Karen has a holistic understanding of all disciplines of coaching and easily weave these into exercises and programmes fitting with the individual she deals with.

Lise-Mari Maartens, Competitor Intelligence Manager

What a treasure trove to discover !!   Karen has mastered the art of designing and structuring coaching practices and resources that develop self-awareness, expand perspectives and open up new possibilities and ways of taking action.
What a privilege to have access to this library for my own learning and to be able to offer such well-crafted resources to my clients
Lisa Hansford, Leadership Coach, PCC

Coaching is mainly a dialogic interaction during the face to face coaching session often shedding light where there was previously none.  Then there is critical work that must happen in the field for the client to see what they may not have been seeing before.  This is the reason we work with practice – not practice to get better but practice to become more intimate with the habits that keep us stuck and to see other possibilities.

Karen with her extensive work as a coach practitioner, a teacher of coaching and a learner on  her own life path  has skillfully designed practices that not only go into the field but also in to the corners where others may not care to look.

I recommend that any coach who works in this way avail themselves of these thoughtfully crafted and elegant  practices that work with so many of the real life encounters in the field of the client ( and coach).

Sharon Jansen, Master Certified Coach

Exploring Second Order Learning


Our daily habits shape our lives, making the familiar feel comforting yet sometimes holding us back. Yet, there’s hope! Through second order learning, we can dive beneath the surface of our actions, perceptions, and interpretations.

Second order learning isn’t just about changing what we do; it’s about understanding why we do it. By exploring our inner workings, we can break free from limiting patterns and expand our possibilities.

Discover practices here to help you and your clients become more aware, interrupt habits, and broaden your range of actions. It’s time to embrace growth and choice.

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About Karen White and the human connection

Karen White is a Master Certified Coach based in South Africa, working globally.  She started the Human Connection in 2004 at the beginning of her coaching career.  Soon, after training as a coach, Karen’s principal focus became about the comprehensive development of coaches and advancing coaching as a profession.  To this end, she has been a faculty member in several coach training programs over the past 14 years and attained her Master Certified Coach (MCC) in 2016.  Committed to creating value and excellence in coaching, Karen is the Director of Training and Course Leader for The Ontological Coaching Institute, and a Leadership Embodiment Course Leader.   She co-leads the 18-month Certified Ontological Coaching and Leadership Programme in South Africa, the USA and Europe.

She holds 3 world-class Coaching Qualifications:

  • Certified Ontological Coach
  • Leadership Embodiment Coach
  • Integral Coach

She is sought out as a Mentor Coach and a Coach for Coaches’ internationally, with an ability to translate abstract approaches into well-structured coaching programs and practices.